pysmooth - When are computer-generated animations smooth ?
Trails on an LCD (simulated)
Pysmooth is a very simple python program written to check and proof how a computer-generated animation is perceived as "perfectly smooth" by the eye.
I could be wrong (please tell me !), but here is my theory about this :

Eye-remanence is a fact. It means that if the computer-generated animation is updated below the eye-remanence time, the eye will perceive the movement as jerky :
- If the movement is really too slow (image is updated below 24 times per second). Then the eye clearly sees each image as single and understands the intended animation is only a sequence of moving images.
- As the framerate increases (each single image stays less longer on screen, framerate is 24-48 images per second), the eye begins to see a "doubled" image, because within its remanence time, the moving object has been updated (only) twice.

In order to solve this problem, standard movies, running at only 24 fps, shot the action in a motion-blurred way. This confuses the eye that sees a "blurred" movement, that will help it to believe the motion was smooth. Why ?
Yet another theory here : the eye sees a fast motion as blurred in order to have the ability to determine the direction of the movement : ie - some prehistoric men had this kind of ability that made them able to avoid thrown objects, predicting their trajectory using the fact that they no see a single object at a time, but a blurred motion that indicates the direction of the moving object, like stones or very fast Tyranosorus Rexes ;-)  
With evolution, this "kind" of men had the ability to reproduce and keep that gene, while the others were eaten by dinosaurs.
Back to now : If we see an blurred moving image, our brain deduces that the object is moving. That's how the blur in movies help us to find they are "smooth", while they are not.
But this trick is not possible on todays computers : such a motion blur would take too much processor time to be computed accurately, so the only way to simulate a smooth move for a computer is to draw it as often as possible (increase the framerate), but not only as we will see right now :

Above 48 hz, surprinsingly, the movement is still jerky (Unreal Tournament players know it), although we are far above eye remanence time (use pysmooth to see it).
Animation will be perceived as really smooth only if you are able to "follow" the animated object with the eye and see it as  clearly as if it was not moving.
This is MY definition (what is yours ?) - see pysmooth again.

And how can this be reached ? Only one solution : the movement as to be perfectly steady, in order for the animated object to be exactly at the position the eye was waiting for it. If not, movement will not be seen as perfectly smooth.
And how can a computer-generated animation be perfectly steady ? Only one option : follow the screen synchronization.

Here you can tune your PC (with RefreshForce - browse the Internet) to prove it :
pysmooth runs at 640x480, in the system default frequency used by your PC.
If it is 60Hz (check with your monitor), then movement will be smooth if the animation is fast enough to be perform within this 1/60 of second, each frame showing an equally displaced object. Above this time, image will not be moved steadily, and the eye, trying to follow a steady movement, will detect the un-smoothness of the animation.

    But this also means that if your monitor's refresh rate is 85Hz, and if 1/85 of second is not enough to update the full animation, then the animation will not be perceived as smooth (check it with pysmooth and Refreshforce) !
Thus, a 70fps animation on a 85Hz display is NOT SMOOTH, while it is on a 60Hz display !
This also means that an animation will need a lower framerate to be perceived at perfectly smooth when the display's frequency is low.
But hey, UT players, do not immediately turn your monitor to the lowest possible refresh rate ! There is an obvious drawback here, also visible in pysmooth : below 75Hz, the eye is able to perceived the flickering of the screen, mainly when there is a lot of white (and mainly with the "corner" of the eye, the eye being more sensitive on its sides).
But it's a good idea to keep refresh rate below 85Hz to help the game to be "in the frame".

With all there are other things to note :

Virtual screen (double buffer) :
Generally, the computers and videogame consoles use a double buffer technique (software or hardware), meaning that the picture is not created DIRECTLY onto the monitor/tv. In fact, the image is computed (which tamkes time) and then "written" on a virtual screen, and, when finished, the content of this virtual screen is copied (in a very fast way, it's just pixel to pixel copy), to the screen, and the process go on for the next frame.

Wait for vsync :
  This is an option in most PC games. It means that if the whole screen has been drawn in less than frame, then the program will still wait for the next monitor refresh before continuing rendering the NEXT screen. This causes time to be wasted, but anyway, rendering a full frame before the screen has to be refresh means that the game runs perfectly smooth, as we saw.
If this option is not set, then the computer will never stop rendering the screen (which is done on the virtual screen as we saw before), and then multiple images will be drawn on a single one, leading mainly to the "vertical stairing" that can be see in this case, because the computer has begun another rendering on the same virtual screen, but did'nt finished in time for the nex frame : so when copied to the real screen, the top of the frame shows the top of the N+1 frame, when the bottom shows the bottom of the N frame.

Interlacing : Above all this, outputting to an interlaced display is another problem (a CRT TV at PAL 50Hz for instance).
In this case, the video board displays the image number N's odd lines first, then displays the image number N+1's even lines, producing a 50 frame (half-image) per second animation, which is perceived as smooth, thanks to the low remanence time.
On "normal" 100Hz CRTs, the "re-creation" of the whole image (sticking on a same image the even and odd lines of the 2 frames), will create combing artifacts that can be suppressed only by high-end 100Hz CRTs (like the Sony Wega KV32FX60 in "Advanced" digital mode).
Image as seen with the eye on an interlaced display
LCD users : Only low response time (starting at 8ms and below) LCD monitors will allow to experiment a real smooth animation. Above, screen remanence is such that a ghosting trail follows the animated object, causing a blur that is not interpreted by the brain as a real movement (tested with pysmooth on a Sony SDM-P234 16/9 LCD Monitor (RT : 16ms)).

Summary and conclusion :

- Computer animation is smooth when images are displayed in a steady way : when FPS is above screen refresh, or said in another way, when all the animation process is done before the screen will be updated by the next frame.
- If you want to replace your old CRT and continue playing videogames, buy an LCD that have the lowest possible response time, or you will see nothing but a LOT of trails.

pysmooth - The program :

    I coded in Python because Python c'est bon and because it's the fastest way to code something understoodable easily.
Unfortunately, the compiled version of pysmooth is not working, crashing with a segmentation fault I was not able to correct (I you succed, tell me !)
So in order to run pysmooth, you need Python interpreter installed, + pygame.
I did the full install of all this in less than 2 minutes on a PC without Python - more : this is a good excuse to install python and see how much it is a beautiful language ! (the installer comes with IDLE, which bring a great python "shell", where you can try command in real time !).
This version of pysmooth has been tested on windows only, but I guess it should work on any platform.

[ Download python 2.3.5 ] and install
[ Download pygame  ] and install
Download pysmooth

Unzip to a directory of your choice, and, from a command-line, you go to this directory and type :  pysmooth_directory>\\path_to_python_executables\python.exe

That's it ! (Remember that real smoothness experience can be seen on CRT monitors/tv only ! (test the difference, you will be suprised !)

Up and down arrows increase and decrease the framerate, while left and right arrows control how much the object is moved each frame. Esc quits the demo.

Feel free to tell me what you think about all this.


You can download a ready-to-burn (PAL) DVD for interlaced/progressive comparison with a standard DVD player HERE.

VIDEO_TS interlaced tests
VIDEO_TS interlaced tests

More, this DVD will make you able to test "HDTV" lag on your set (see for more details).

- Useless to say, the INTERLACED part should look perfectly smooth on a standard CRT TV, when the PROGRESSIVE version looks jerky on the same TV set.
- On 100Hz CRTs, INTERLACED version will still be smooth if deinterlacing algorithm is good, otherwise the 2 versions will almost produce the same smoothness
- On (standard) LCDs/Plasmas, INTERLACED version will exhibit both combing effects and ghosting trails (urgh !), while PROGRESSIVE one will "only" show ghosting trails and jerkyness. But sets with deinterlacing onboard can remove combing artifacts of INTERLACED version and make it look like PROGRESSIVE one, leaving all other LCDs problems on.
- But now (!) some LCDs feature 100Hz technologies, that insert a calculated frame between real ones and so at double-the frequency of the original signal, thus limiting trails and smoothing the animation at the same time.
I only saw DVD versions of this technology (trying to find a shop ready to let me try pysmooth is not an easy job ;-).
For me, as the animation is smoother, it is more realistic, thus better. For some, the "cinema" aspect (the jerkiness !) disappears and then films look like video, throwing away the "magic". Tell me what YOU think !

Contact : philip.sion@NOfree.SPAMfr  (remove NO & SPAM)